Amiga Packmags
NewsFlash - Issue 10 (1990)(UGA - NewsFlash UK)(Disk 1 of 2)[a3].zip
NewsFlash - Issue 10 (1990)(UGA - NewsFlash UK)(Disk 1 of 2)[a3].adf
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Text File
343 lines
; Hi there freaks !
; In this month's (small) article a really fast Mandelbrot fractals drawer.
; For people who don't know nothing about fractals: STOP READING.
; (Sorry but I had no time to write a whole article about Fractals)
; This little source uses coordinates like Analytic-Art.
; Just take some coordinates from AA and multiply them by 4096.
; Put them in the 'equ' of XC & YC (Centre) and XW & YW
; (Width). The 'Window' can be changed with XS & YS
; Just load this article in your assembler, assemble and run it ...
; Note for the insiders :This routine skips a part of the inside of the
; mandelbrot for speed improvement.
; I just wanted to share this little routine with you.
; So you'll have to make your own screen save routine etc.
; Note how easy it is to 'allocate' memory with BSS hunks !
; (You already knew that, but I was just checking)
; Note: This is a DEVPAC 2.14 source !
; Note2: Propably won't work on other assemblers like SEKA (yek) without
; making some changes. (READ: demolishing my source)
; If you have any questions, lose change, new ideas, etc. then send
; them to:
; P. de Boer
; Zeeloodsenlaan 79
; 1785 BM Den Helder
; Holland
; HY MAN (HYperfast MANdelbrots)
; written for UGA by P. de Boer
; Notice that my TAB is set on 16 (Gives Clean and Spacy sources !)
opt o+ ;optimize
ExecBase equ $4
Forbid equ -132
Permit equ -138
OpenLibrary equ -552
CloseLibrary equ -414
COP1LCH equ $080
COPJMP1 equ $088
DIWSTRT equ $08E
DIWSTOP equ $090
DDFSTRT equ $092
DDFSTOP equ $094
DMACON equ $096
BPL1PTH equ $0E0
BPL1PTL equ $0E2
BPL2PTH equ $0E4
BPL2PTL equ $0E6
BPL3PTH equ $0E8
BPL3PTL equ $0EA
BPL4PTH equ $0EC
BPL4PTL equ $0EE
BPL5PTH equ $0F0
BPL5PTL equ $0F2
BPLCON0 equ $100
BPLCON1 equ $102
BPLCON2 equ $104
BPL1MOD equ $108
BPL2MOD equ $10A
COLOR00 equ $180
COLOR02 equ $184
COLOR04 equ $188
COLOR06 equ $18C
COLOR08 equ $190
COLOR10 equ $194
COLOR12 equ $198
COLOR14 equ $19C
COLOR16 equ $1A0
COLOR18 equ $1A4
COLOR20 equ $1A8
COLOR22 equ $1AC
COLOR24 equ $1B0
COLOR26 equ $1B4
COLOR28 equ $1B8
COLOR30 equ $1BC
CUSTOM equ $DFF000
StartMain movea.l (ExecBase).w,a6
jsr Forbid(a6)
OpenGfxLibrary lea GfxName(pc),a1
clr.l d0
jsr OpenLibrary(a6)
move.l d0,GfxBase
beq Einde
MakeCopperList lea CList,a0
move.l #Screen,d0
move.w #BPL1PTH,(a0)+
swap d0
move.w d0,(a0)+
move.w #BPL1PTL,(a0)+
swap d0
move.w d0,(a0)+
add.l #40*256,d0
move.w #BPL2PTH,(a0)+
swap d0
move.w d0,(a0)+
move.w #BPL2PTL,(a0)+
swap d0
move.w d0,(a0)+
add.l #40*256,d0
move.w #BPL3PTH,(a0)+
swap d0
move.w d0,(a0)+
move.w #BPL3PTL,(a0)+
swap d0
move.w d0,(a0)+
add.l #40*256,d0
move.w #BPL4PTH,(a0)+
swap d0
move.w d0,(a0)+
move.w #BPL4PTL,(a0)+
swap d0
move.w d0,(a0)+
add.l #40*256,d0
move.w #BPL5PTH,(a0)+
swap d0
move.w d0,(a0)+
move.w #BPL5PTL,(a0)+
swap d0
move.w d0,(a0)+
move.l #$fffffffe,(a0)
InstallCopper lea CUSTOM,a6
move.w #$07E0,DMACON(a6)
move.l #CList,COP1LCH(a6)
clr.w COPJMP1(a6)
ScreenSettings move.l #$298129C1,DIWSTRT(a6) ;move.l
move.l #$003800D0,DDFSTRT(a6) ;is faster
move.w #$5000,BPLCON0(a6) ;than two
clr.l BPLCON1(a6) ;move.w 's
clr.l BPL1MOD(a6) ;clr.l is saver
;then moveq #0
SetColors move.l #$00000005,COLOR00(a6)
move.l #$00060007,COLOR02(a6)
move.l #$00180029,COLOR04(a6)
move.l #$003A004B,COLOR06(a6)
move.l #$015C036D,COLOR08(a6)
move.l #$058E079F,COLOR10(a6)
move.l #$09BF0BCF,COLOR12(a6)
move.l #$0DDF0EEF,COLOR14(a6)
move.l #$0FFF0EEF,COLOR16(a6)
move.l #$0DDF0BBF,COLOR18(a6)
move.l #$09AF078F,COLOR20(a6)
move.l #$057E036D,COLOR22(a6)
move.l #$015C004B,COLOR24(a6)
move.l #$003A0029,COLOR26(a6)
move.l #$00180007,COLOR28(a6)
move.l #$00060005,COLOR30(a6)
StartDMA move.w #$8380,DMACON(a6)
;Only BitPlane & Copper DMA
ItMax equ 31 ;maximum iteration
XS equ 320 ;'Window' width
YS equ 256 ;'Window' height
XW equ 20480 ;Zoom Wnd Width (x 4096)
YW equ XW*4/5 ;Zoom Wnd Height (x 4096)
XC equ 0 ;Zoom Centre x
YC equ 0 ;Zoom Centre y
DX equ XW/XS ;Step size X
DY equ YW/YS ;Step size Y
MaxX equ XC+XW/2 ;Max value x
MinY equ YC-YW/2 ;Min value y
Start movea.w #MaxX,a0
movea.w #MinY,a1
movea.w #DX,a2
movea.w #DY,a3
movea.w a0,a4
lea Screen,a5
move.w #YS-1,d1
ForY move.w #XS-1,d0
ForX move.w a0,d2 ;x=0
move.w a1,d3 ;y=0
move.w #ItMax,d7 ;itr=max
CheckIt move.w d2,d4 ;xq=x*x
move.w d3,d5 ;yq=y*y
muls d4,d4
muls d5,d5
move.l d5,d6
add.l d4,d6 ;xq+yq>>>
swap d6
cmp.w #$0400,d6
bgt.s OutOfRange ;yes ->Out of Range
tst.w d2
bpl.s JumpIn
cmp.w #$0060,d6 ;skip part
bge.s JumpIn
clr.w d7 ;replace this if you want to
bra.s OutOfRange ;see what is skipped
Iteration move.w d2,d4 ;xq=x*x
move.w d3,d5 ;yq=y*y
muls d4,d4
muls d5,d5
move.l d5,d6
add.l d4,d6 ;xq+yq>>>
swap d6
cmp.w #$0400,d6
bgt.s OutOfRange ;yes ->Out of Range
JumpIn exg d4,d2
sub.l d5,d2 ;x=xq-yq
asl.l #4,d2 ;rescale number
swap d2
add.w a0,d2 ;x=x+xc
bvs.s OutOfRange
muls d4,d3 ;y=z*y
asl.l #5,d3 ;rescale number
swap d3
add.w a1,d3 ;y=y+yc
dbvs d7,Iteration
bvc.s StaysBlack
OutOfRange bsr.s SetPoint
StaysBlack suba.w a2,a0
dbf d0,ForX
movea.w a4,a0
adda.w a3,a1
btst #6,CIAAPRA ;quit if left mouse-button
beq.s Recover ;is pressed
dbf d1,ForY
Wacht btst #6,CIAAPRA
bne.s Wacht
Recover movea.l GfxBase(pc),a4
move.l 38(a4),COP1LCH(a6)
clr.w COPJMP1(a6)
move.w #$83E0,DMACON(a6)
CloseGfx movea.l (ExecBase).W,a6
movea.l GfxBase(pc),a1
jsr CloseLibrary(a6)
Einde jsr Permit(a6)
clr.l d0
SetPoint lea Screen,a5
move.w d0,d2
move.w d1,d3
lsl.w #3,d3
adda.w d3,a5
lsl.w #2,d3
adda.w d3,a5
move.w d0,d6
lsr.w #3,d6
adda.w d6,a5
moveq #$F,d6
and.w d6,d2
eor.w d6,d2
Plane1 btst #0,d7
beq.s Plane2
bset d2,(a5)
Plane2 adda.w #40*256,a5
btst #1,d7
beq.s Plane3
bset d2,(a5)
Plane3 adda.w #40*256,a5
btst #2,d7
beq.s Plane4
bset d2,(a5)
Plane4 adda.w #40*256,a5
btst #3,d7
beq.s Plane5
bset d2,(a5)
Plane5 adda.w #40*256,a5
btst #4,D7
beq.s Out
bset d2,(a5)
Out rts
GfxBase dc.l 0
GfxName dc.b "graphics.library",0
CList ds.w 100 ;This is a fast way to get
Screen ds.b 256*40*5 ;your memory 'allocated'